Christian Heritage

We strive to be inclusive and courageous, speak out against injustice, and show that God’s love is for all people.

Christian heritage is deeply woven into the fabric of Scots, present through our routine chapel services, Religions and Values Education (RAVE) classes, community service initiatives, and dedicated pastoral care. This heritage serves to guide our values and philosophy, instilling in our students a profound appreciation for inclusivity and justice.

Affiliated with the Uniting Church in Australia, Scots draws strength from stories of faith that guide our school's cultural identity. These traditions enhance the vibrant tapestry of life at Scots, ensuring that our students depart with a profound respect for the values and rituals given to us by the church.

Following the compassionate example set by Jesus, we strive for inclusivity and courage, raise our voices against injustice, and demonstrate that God's love extends to all. Together with the other Uniting Church schools in the synod, we collectively endeavor to build in our young people a commitment to diversity in unity and the pursuit of justice for all.

Uniting Church schools strive to abide by the following characteristics:

  • Actively engaging with First Peoples
  • Enabling faith development and individual well-being within the UCA heritage of worship, witness and service
  • Celebrating the equality and value of all people
  • Intentionally listening to all voices which then directs collaborative decision-making
  • Rejoicing in the diversity of faiths, cultures and languages
  • Entering into justice for all peoples and the environment
  • Courageously elevating difficult subjects and evolving responses